Removing Federated Repositories

When you remove a federated repository, federated repository members and their contents are not removed and are treated as standalone backup repositories. However, the backup chains may be broken.


A federated repository cannot be removed while a backup job using this federated repository as a target is running or if it contains at least one backup object referenced by existing job(s). To remove such a federated repository, delete (or edit) the corresponding job so that no items are backed up to the aforementioned repository.

To remove a federated repository from the product, follow the steps below:

  1. In the main menu of NAKIVO Backup & Replication, click Settings.

  2. Go to the Repositories tab.

  3. Hover over a Federated repository.

  4. On the right side, click Manage.

  5. Click Remove.

  6. Click Remove to confirm the action when the following confirmation message appears:

Make sure you copy the backups it contains to another repository.


If a federated repository is used by one or more objects/processes or contains at least one backup object referenced by existing job(s), the following dialog box is displayed:


You cannot remove the federated repository if it is used by one or more objects/processes.